blog Impact of gas shortage on Australian manufacturing: May 2013 <p>Almost 200,000 Australian jobs could be lost and up to $28 billion in economic value wiped out if Australian Governments fail to intervene to ensure competitively priced gas remains available for Australian manufacturers, according to analysis conducted by Manufacturing Australia in its "Impact of gas shortage on Australian manufacturing: May 2013" report.</p> <p>A gas supply crisis is about to hit Australia’s East Coast because gas currently devoted to domestic manufacturing is being diverted to export, leaving Australians to pay one of the world’s highest gas prices despite having one of the world’s largest supplies.</p> <p>Natural gas is essential to many manufacturing industries, making up 15-40% of the cost base of common products like fertiliser, alumina, cement, bricks and roof tiles. </p> <p>Manufacturing Australia's report (provided below) predicts that, without intervention, the shortage of supply and unprecedented price shock could result in the loss of 12% of manufacturing value add and 9% of manufacturing jobs.</p> <p> </p> Mon, 27 May 2013 00:00:00 +1000